LIVE REVIEW: Luke Hemmings – Enmore Theatre

Luke Hemmings returned to Sydney for two nights at Enmore Theatre as a part of his highly anticipated debut solo world tour. With excited fans packing themselves into the same venue that 5SOS played 10 years ago, there was a lot of excitement to see how Luke would make this show feels as special as that one did so many years ago. 

Soaked in moody lighting, he walked out to “A Beautiful Dream” and “Motion” from his debut album “When Facing The Things We Turn Away From” whilst confetti signalled the starting line of a 80 minute masterclass of musicianship and self-discovery. “Welcome to my first ever solo show in Sydney” he exclaimed to the screaming crowd. Playing a setlist exclusively made up of songs from his debut record and recent EP “boy”, there were energetic moments dispersed throughout the show, but it was mostly a collection of introspective moments in sonical form. Highlights through the set included “Saigon”, “Benny”, “Mum”, “Shakes”, as well as a well received cover of The Cure’s “Friday I’m In Love”. After saying good night following “I’m Still Your Boy”, he returned to the stage for an encore performance of “Starting Line” which was topped off by confetti during the final chorus. The second night Sydney crowd also received an extra special surprise with him adding “Slip Away” to the setlist. 

With a giant disco ball hanging from the roof and an impressive lighting rig behind him, the stage was set with production that amplified the introspective indie tracks. It wasn’t an over-the-top production, and instead felt very true to the music. His talking between songs was limited, but when he did chat with the crowd it felt off-the-cuff, and was little riffs about growing up in the Sydney surroundings and finding himself as a writer through this solo project. You left knowing a bit more about who Luke was a musician and as a person, and it felt like only the beginning for where this show and project could go. 

Full gallery captured by Ruby Boland BELOW:

Photos by Ruby Boland

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